TTC CLAROMETER: Typical system with operator touch screen.
TTC CLAROMETER: TOTAL THICKENER CONTROL, is a process control system which gathers a variety of thickener process variables, enabling it to implement a practical Total Thickener Control philosophy. Mass flow, settling time, feed forward, bed level, underflow pump control, belt press filter control and overflow turbidity options are all available.
The approach has been to create a process tool that can be readily used and understood. It allows a variety of inbuilt control loop stategies to be trialed, with the best selected for final use. This will maximise throughput and minimise cost. Flexibility and simplicity have been deliberately designed into every aspect of the TTC CLAROMETER.
The TTC CLAROMETER comes with a remote Ethernet touch screen, which provides a practical operator interface and transparent acccess to loop tuning.
The CLAROMETER-TOTAL THICKENER CONTROL, is an innovative addition to our Clarometer range of products. It maintains the quality and reliability of all our automatic control systems.
Key Benefits: